Phone code of Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys

What is phone code of Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys for calling from landline phones and mobiles?

Phone city code of Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys – 01591

How to call from mobiles to landline phones in Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys?

No problems appear when calling from a mobile to a mobile phone in any city in UK. But, when it’s needed to ring up to a landline phone, everybody wonders, what is the telephone code of Llanwrtyd Wells? To help our visitors to solve this problem faster, the team has created a catalog of codes for all UK cities for calls to a landline phone from WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Skype, a mobile, or a landline.

So, for a call from a cell phone to a landline one, you need to dial +44 (country code), then Llanwrtyd Wells’s code 01591(without 0 at the beginning), and the phone subscriber number.

How to call from overseas from a landline to a landline phone in Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys?

To make calls from any country to Llanwrtyd Wells, you need to dial:

  • access to an international line in your country (usually 00 or 011)
  • dial the country code of UK - +44
  • enter the area code – 01591 (without 0 at the beginning)
  • dial the landline number

For calls from USA to Llanwrtyd Wells, you need to dial: 011-44-01591 (without 0 at the beginning) and the subscriber number

How to call from abroad from a mobile, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype to a landline phone in Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys?

You need to dial +44 - 01591 (without 0 at the beginning) - (the phone number) for calls from any country from a mobile to a landline phone in Llanwrtyd Wells.

How to call from overseas from a mobile to a mobile phone in Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys?

In this case, you only need to dial +44 and the subscriber number of the mobile operator in Great Britain.

Telephone codes of big cities in UK and Ireland